Friday, August 24, 2012

Sorry I have not posted for a while. First it was too wet for the camera. Then the heat wave hit and although I got all my walks in they were shortened up. My water bottle even went with me for my 6 am walks. One morning during a 4 blocker I drank half the bottle. With the heat I have only seen 2 weddings in the park. At the last one the pictures were being taken in the shade. The limo driver was nice and asked if I needed my water bottle refilled. Except for a couple of burs I am doing well. I have not been swimming yet. But I have relatives who did very well (won categories) at the PWDCC National Specialty. Special congrats to my Dad Nemo. The PWDCC published a list of what judges consider a great show dog. I got to play with the tape as all my measurements were taken. I meet all the ratios. It seems I am just big for the breed. Still even at 5 1/2 everybody I meet thinks I am a Puppy.